Weight Loss that Fits!

Weight Loss that Fits!

WATCH Watch the full interview with April as she tells the story of her weight loss journey that changed her life. . To contact Access Integrated Primary Care: https://www.accessipc.com . Please call for immediate help during open hours. Follow us on FB/IG:...
How can I modify my lifestyle to prevent colon cancer?

How can I modify my lifestyle to prevent colon cancer?

WATCH There are several lifestyle modifications that can help to reduce your risk of developing colon cancer: Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in red and processed meats, can help to reduce your risk...
“Surviving Breast Cancer” the intro

“Surviving Breast Cancer” the intro

WATCH Kim, a breast cancer survivor, talks about surviving breast cancer in an interview for AccessIPC an integrated primary care center based in Orlando. The full interview is coming out early this month. To learn more about AccessIPC and their primary care practice...